MML Wiki

Weapon Information[]

When all's said and done, the Mower X is just a more powerful version of the default mower you get in bossfights. It’s Black and yellow in color with yellow lightning particles emanating from the mower. The body of the mower is shaped like Supreme Deity Llin’s head and features a decal of Seinfeld himself underneath of the mower. The Mower X cannot roll, and cannot be used to mow lawns. It is a weapon.

Weapon Stats and Abilities[]

  • 70 PPH

Like the default mower, it doesn't do anything special except for damage enemies that touch it.

Obtaining the Weapon[]

The Mower X was obtained by defeating what is currently the most difficult boss in the game; Nil X-- in a raid battle.

As of now, all Nil X servers are single player meaning you can no longer obtain this weapon. When raid servers were available, you would enter the battle by touching a teleportation cube which Big_Rigs sparsely dropped in the bosshub. These cubes were yellow in color and neon in material. It is assumed that if Big_Rigs makes the servers multiplayer again, you would just enter by touching the head of the Nil above the Nil teleporter.

21 people have the Mower X, and it is unknown if Big_Rigs will ever make the Nil X servers multiplayer again.


  • The Mower X was created Sunday, September 25, 2016
  • The Mower X is the 2nd mower you can take into bossfights, behind the default mower.
  • There is a decal of Seinfeld on the underside of the mower.

Updated 10/3/16 Back to weapons page
